"The" Calling

By Lauren DiStefano
Matthew 4:19 Jesus basically says to these random dude out on the water fishing... Hey come follow me and you will be able to become great "fishers of men". We talked yesterday in our weekly staff meeting about raising up leaders and becoming these "fishers of men".

What does that term mean? Who are the "men"? Why do they "fish"for them?
I interpret this verse like this...It means...people...the lost...searchers...know-it-alls...children...adults...college students...druggies...anyone that feels like no matter what they fill their heart, soul, body, and mind with they are still empty, unhappy, lonely, or miserable.

God calls us to stand up for him on this earth... to share what he has done. We are not worthy of this calling... we are the screw ups and sinners and yet still God knows that in the eyes of those lost on earth we are the closest thing to God they will ever see. I love the calling and will embrace the adventure with every passing day!

Thanks God for the opportunity to live my life to glorify and magnify your untouchable name.

My Colombian's Birthday

By Lauren DiStefano
The love of my life turned 20 on Wednesday of last week and we spent a whole week and weekened celebrating the fact that he has been alive for 20 years!
This is a little recap of the events!
Happy late birthday baby!
I love you!


"I thought of you..."

By Lauren DiStefano
Andres calls me the other day and tells me that he has bought me something... and of course my mind races through the options of what my wonderful boyfriend would choose to randomly purchase for me.
As we leave the mall I remember the comment about the "gift" and ask "Hey, where's my gift"?... like a selfish brat
... and as I open the car door I see this...

How adorable... he says "I saw them and I though of you".

Love it.. Love you baby.

Bowling for Brit's Brithday!

By Lauren DiStefano
So... Happy Birthday to my little sister... Brittany Marie... she turned 18 years old yesterday... how crazy is that?!?!? I seriously think its just whack.

So for her birthday bash we decided to hit up the bowling alley.. here are some pics!

Love you sis!


Just another day in '08

By Lauren DiStefano
Welcome to 2008.

Just a good ol' day at the DiStefano household. Mom mad at her phone and dad enjoying his simple moments with his blackberry.
Gotta love em'.