Finding Joy with Catch Phrase

By Lauren DiStefano

We sat around our beach house living room and played the ever popular game, catch phrase. As we began to get a better grasp of the game and start to enjoy each other, the differences of opinions about the rules turned into a huge conflict. I was offended by a certain way the game was being played, but others were validating these strategies. When my opinion was not agreed with I grew frustrated. 
Why? Because I was not in control. There is now proof that I am not always right. Why is it as humans that we get frustrated when we are not correct. If we decided to live the "my way or the highway" lifestyle then we confine ourselves to secluded boxes. 
I don't want to be in a secluded box. 
"God give me the ability to live a life that does not seclude me from fellowship with others. Without this i will be left not only without companionship, but with a loss of joy. Fill me with joy to live how you would want to live.  Amen"

1 comment so far.

  1. all day (allen d) Friday, July 11, 2008
    that's a good word from mt oldest girl!

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