Who thought a trunk was that important?

By Lauren DiStefano
After a long day, I finally was able to tell my "little sister", Ashley Iodice, that she was my "little"! It was a good, but did I say long day?!?

As we loaded up my car to leave home from Kendal I popped my trunk. When we went to shut it closed it bounced back up again. So Ash and I swung by the local CVS and picked up some ribbon. As we shoved our heads into the trunk of the car to tie the bouncing trunk down I started to think about how this simple compartment to my car had so much of an effect on my entire car.

Just like how in my life when something small "breaks" my whole world is effected. Whenever these smal compartments break... there's always a "CVS" available to provide whatever "ribbon" is needed to tie up the problems.
I love that whenever I have small compartment of my life break down I can call of my God to fix the entirety of my life that is now effected.


2 comments so far.

  1. SmilingSally Sunday, October 05, 2008
    That Ashley is a fortunate young miss to have a BIG sis with such wisdom.

    Love ya.
  2. all day (allen d) Friday, October 10, 2008
    nice job on the tie up girl!

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